
| Procreate | IPad Pro 12.9in |


Vamorii is a 22 year old full time artist who especially loves drawing men—be it original characters, fanart, or commissioned pieces. They do work ranging from personal commissions to book covers for established authors.

Terms of Service

By purchasing my services, you automatically agree to the following conditions.


Original artwork





Terms of Service

DISCLAIMERBy purchasing my services, you automatically agree to the following conditions.I DO NOT ALLOW MY ART TO BE USED FOR AI/NFT PURPOSES• You may display my work on external sites as long as it is credited
• You may not claim my work as your own.
• You may use the Artwork for personal use including but not limited to: avatars, phone or
computer wallpapers, and personal website/profile displays.
• In the case of an adoptable, you retain the rights to the character design.
• You are NOT authorized to change, modify, edit or use my works without my permission.
• Clients who have commissioned and/or received work before this TOS has gone into
effect are still bound to its contents.
WHAT I WILL DRAW:Masculine Characters, Feminine Characters, Androgynous Characters, Anthro Characters,
Original Characters, Backgrounds, Children, Ship Art, Fan art, R18+ Scenes
WHAT I WILL NOT DRAW:“Aged up” Anime/Cartoon/Media characters, Furry, Complicated Mecha, Anything
Pedophilic/Abusive, Anything Hateful or Discriminatory, or any other content that makes me uncomfortable.

• If you wish to order a commission for Commercial use, the total price of the commission,
as well as any other royalties, will be agreed upon upfront.
• The following cases are considered commercial use: Reproducing and selling the artwork,
publicly or privately, cases where you receive profit from a medium/platform where you
have posted my artwork, (eg. Patreon, YouTube, Twitch, a personal site, business cards
-When you are promised a commission slot, you will be messaged when I am ready to begin your commission.
-Waitlisted slots are NOT guaranteed, and are subject to change.
-On a waitlist, it is YOUR responsibility to message me near the agreed upon date. Otherwise you will be taken off of the waitlist and assumed to be no longer interested.
-If my commission prices adjust while you are on a WAITLIST, you are still expected to pay those new prices. (You have the option to cancel if you'd prefer)
-If my commission prices adjust while you have a promised SLOT, you are NOT expected to pay those new prices, and are guaranteed the original price agreed upon.
Accepted Payment Methods include: PayPal
• You are responsible for making currency conversions.
• It is expected that you deposit 50% of the price after the sketch is done, unless otherwise discussed.
• I will initiate the transaction. Do not send me any kind of payment until I have confirmed I
can accept your commission
• Payments via PayPal are sent via Invoice method only unless otherwise stated.
• For auctions, you are NOT allowed to retract your bid.
• I will send a work in progress image before 50% of the payment is completed.
• The responsibility is on you to ensure your order contains the details you want me to
• Up to two major revisions can be made during the drafting phase of the commission.
Only minor adjustments within reason can be made afterwards.
• Changes will only be made at the sketch stage. Color corrections will be made at the color
• After the order is completed, minor changes such as color adjustments are allowed if the
missing or inaccurate elements are my faults
Last Updated: 12/22/2022
TOS Subject to Change Without Notice
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Deposits and Payments are non-refundable

Once I accept your commission, please fill out this document and send it to me.